How to pronounce the Norwegian letters Æ Ø Å
How to pronounce the Norwegian letters Æ Ø Å
When you travel it’s always nice to know a few of the local words and phrases. It can be a good way to break the ice with the locals, and it can also help you on certain occasions such as asking for directions or when you buy something.
A problem that many visitors to Norway encounter is that we have three letters in our alphabet which are not to be found in the standard 26 letter latin alphabet. These letters are Æ Ø Å. To be able to pronounce many of our words here in Norway you really should master these three vowels.
The good news is that if you learn them they can also be used in Denmark and Sweden. All though in Sweden the Æ looks like Ä, and the Ø looks like Ö. But they are pronounced the same way.
Since the best way to explain how they are pronounced is through actually hearing the sounds, I decided to make a YouTube episode dedicated to these three letters. And also explain the history of how they got into our alphabet.
I hope you’ll enjoy it, and that it can turn you into a confident Æ Ø Å speaker.
Good luck! Lykke til!
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Your friend in Norway,
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