A paddle tour down the Aker river in Oslo

Geiranger fjord in a red kayak on a beautiful day

A paddle tour down the Aker river in Oslo

Geiranger fjord in a red kayak on a beautiful day

Kayaking in Oslo

Last week, one of my more adventurous friends called me with a proposal: hey, do you wanna paddle down the Aker River with me? As an avid kayaker, he usually goes out of town to do his kayaking, but in times of these travel restrictions, the government is urging us to stay inside our home municipality. So one has to adapt to the circumstances!

Join me on a virtual tour down the Aker river (YouTube)

Tusen takk for watching!

Also check out: A Guide To Cheap Hotels in Oslo

Your friend in Norway,


Pål of Norway With Pål

Pål of Norway With Pål

Norway native, veteran travel guide, sailor, filmmaker, and writer (you might have seen me in one of Rick Steves’ guidebooks!). I want to help you enjoy Norway the right way — like a local. Learn more about me.

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